Frequently Asked Questions

What is planned for Sparks Boulevard?

The project proposes operational improvements to allow for improved traffic operations throughout the corridor based on existing and projected traffic volumes by widening Sparks Boulevard from four to six lanes between Greg Street and Baring Boulevard. The project also seeks to continue and expand multimodal improvements, address vehicle-safety issues through improved roadway engineering, and to increase overall corridor crosswalk safety.

How was this project selected?

The project aims to address the needs and recommendations made in the Sparks Boulevard Multi-Modal Corridor Study, produced by the RTC in June of 2015. The study reviewed the needs and goals for local transportation and future development, and asked the public to comment on potential solutions. This study continues that process by narrowing down and approving a project to move to construction. This project is included in the RTC’s 2040 Regional Transportation Plan.

How is this projected being funded?

The project is being funded through local RTC Fuel Tax.

What is the project cost?

The estimated total project investment is $80 million. Design and environmental phases are underway as the RTC allocates future project funding.

What are the next steps?

The RTC will seek public input and comments throughout the environmental process to develop a preferred alternative. The project team will then take the preferred alternative into preliminary engineering and seek additional public input and comments that will help refine design concepts. In approximately spring 2022, the team will begin working on the final design and construction packages. A final public meeting will be held to present the final design and update the public on construction information such as funding, delivery method and schedule.

When will construction start?

Construction of Phase 1 is anticipated to begin in spring 2022. Phase 2 construction is expected to commence in 2024-2025.

How long will construction last?

Construction duration depends on what improvements are selected to be included. The construction schedule will also depend on the phasing of the anticipated work. The project team will work with stakeholders, business owners and the community to determine the best phasing for the proposed construction that will allow successful completion of the work with the least amount of disruption to the area as possible. 

Will existing landscaping or trees be removed?

Improvements will be designed to maintain the existing context of the corridor, while exploring ways to make mobility improvements, providing an accessible and inviting spaces for bicyclists, pedestrians and drivers. To make the improvements without impacting nearby neighborhoods, some of the landscaping may be altered.

How can I be involved?

The RTC wants your input and ideas on proposed alternatives and improvements for Sparks Boulevard. You can visit the project website at for updates and announcements, to subscribe for our stakeholder email updates, and to leave questions and comments. You can also call the project hotline at (775) 789-9809 to leave a voicemail message. Questions and comments submitted either online or through voicemail will be answered as soon as possible and within one business day.